Ungegenständliche Malerei I nonobjective painting

o. T. (A37)
Aquarell, 2021, 43 x 36 cm

untitled (Z6)
Category : 2020
Wax crayons, coloured pencils and felt tip pens on paper, 29,7 × 42 cm, 2020

o.T. (Nr. 56)
Category : 2009
2×2,4 m, Öl, Spray und Acryl/Nessel, Privatbesitz Beverly Hills USA, 2009

o.T. (Nr. 57)
Category : 2009
180×230 cm, Öl, Sprühfarbe und Acryl auf Nessel, Privatbesitz Beverly Hills USA

untitled (No 83)
Category : 2019
oil, acrylics and spraypaint, 120 x 150 cm, private collection Wolfsburg, 2019

untitled (No 82)
Category : 2017
Oil, Acrylics, Spraypaint on Canvas, 250 x 190 cm, 2,5 x 1,9 m | private collection Weinheim

untitled (No 80)
Category : 2016
Oil, Acrylics and Spray Paint, 200 x 210 cm, 2016, private collection Berlin

untitled (No 77)
Category : 2015
oil, acrylics, spraypaint on canvas, 190 x 200 cm, 2015, private collection USA